Empower your
people to greatness.

Discover the simplicity of the American Dream 401(k).

Connect With a Financial Advisor About Your Company Retirement Plan Today.

As an Entrepreneur

You’ve Built an Extraordinary Business.

Let us show you a company retirement plan that respects your values.

If you value integrity, freedom, and vision… If you rely on your ability to compete, to innovate, to inspire, and to create value… We understand because we are entrepreneurs too. And we’ve built these values into The American Dream 401(k).

“Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients.”1

- Richard Branson

“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.”1

- Elon Musk

“I didn't get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it.”1

- Estée Lauder

“Always deliver more than expected.”1

- Larry Page

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”1

- Steve Jobs

Create Value With

The American Dream 401(K)


Potential Business Advantages

  • Optimize your finances with possible tax advantages
  • Enhance employee loyalty and performance
  • Manage fiduciary risks efficiently
  • Lean on our robust backend support for seamless implementation

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Revolutionary Training Programs

  • Can help build a knowledge-base for your employees
  • Can equip them and help transform them into prudent investors
  • Have the opportunity to magnify the legacy they can leave for others

Learn More


A Scientific Investment Paradigm

  • Can provide a wealth trajectory for your employees based on Nobel Prize-winning investment principles
  • Help simplify decision-making with clear academic principles and globally diversified portfolios
  • Can help you adopt a systematic, methodical approach for your organization and employees

Learn More

Your 401(k) Solution vs. The Government Mandated Option6

There are currently 19 states with government-mandated auto-enrolled IRA programs, with more states on the horizon.6

In these states, you must either choose your own option, or go with the government-mandated one.

Wouldn’t you rather be in the driver’s seat for how you want to empower your employees to save for retirement - rather than leave it up to a government program?


  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Hawaii
  • Illinois
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Minnesota
  • Missouri
  • Nevada
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • Oregon
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • Washington

Laws enacted (2012 - present)

Legislative proposal and/or study in 2023

Recent state efforts (2012 - 2023)

No recent state efforts

Realize the Key Tax Benefits of a 401(k)7

We're committed to working with service providers that can help you design and implement a company plan that helps you take advantage of all the available tax benefits to you and your business.

With high contribution limits, tax credits, and tax-deductible expenses, a 401(k) plan can provide great benefits for both owners and employees.


  • Taking advantage of recent legislation in the SECURE Act 2.0
  • Maximizing personal tax deferred contributions as an employee of your company
  • Receiving up to $15,000 in tax credits in the first three years (for businesses with 2 to 100 employees).
  • Considering how you can hedge future taxes with a Roth 401(k)
  • Maximizing your contributions and tax deductions if you decide to match
  • Considering the benefits of profit sharing into your 401(k) program to help manage business taxes
A Fully Developed Support Structure.

Your coach, along with Matson Money, can provide a developed support structure, education, and training to help you and your employees get the most out of your company plan.

Make it Simple.

Our team is committed to making it simple to launch your plan and to provide outstanding and ongoing service to your employees.

Mitigate Risk.

As the plan sponsor, you are considered a fiduciary, with important legal responsibilities. Your fiduciary risk can be mitigated by using providers who help you take on those responsibilities.


of employees agree that the most desired employer benefit is a financial wellness program with access to unbiased counselors and training.8


of employees are likely to be attracted to another company that cares more about their financial well-being.8


of employees say that their financial worries severely or majorly impact their productivity at work.8


of workers seriously consider the availability of a retirement plan when deciding whether to accept or remain in a job.<sup>8</sup>


Investor Training and Development:

A Key Benefit to You and Your Employees

25% of employees agree that the most desired employer benefit is a financial wellness program with access to unbiased counselors and training.8 The training provided to the American Dream 401(k) participants goes the extra mile in creating value for plan sponsors.

Investing is a lifelong game. Just like top athletes, successful investors need exceptional coaching and training.

Our comprehensive training offerings help provide clarity about what they are doing with their investments and why.

The American Dream 401(k) Empowering Your Why

Program Participant Training and Development Pathways

Creating Your American Dream With Your 401(k)

The instant they enroll in The American Dream 401(k), your employees get coaching and guidance that can help them optimize their financial outcomes.


Your American Dream is directly impacted by your saving, planning, and investing strategy.

Your American Dream is within your grasp, and your company retirement plan is a powerful access to fulfilling on it.

Investing can be complex, we are here to support, train, and develop you to achieve your dreams.

Choosing your 401(k) portfolio mix.

Discover Our Ongoing Investor Development

Through systematic, year-round educational modules, your employees can access the training and development that can help them transform into savvy lifelong investors.

Investor Coaching Series

Dismantling the myths of investing

Mind Over Money

Verify, Verify, Verify

The Investing Vortex

Traditional Index Investing vs. A Structured Market Approach

Built to Last: Engineering a Portfolio that can Survive a Volatile Market

Save the Investor, Save the World®

Dimensions of Rebalancing

Creating the Ideals of the American Dream as a global Phenomenon

Market Relevant

Gearing Up for the Next Crash

The Crypto Conundrum

Global Economic Armageddon: Is It the Right Time to Panic?

After the Crash

Politics and Portfolios

The American Dream Experience

Our premier two-day training can provide your employees with clear insights into Nobel Prize-winning investing principles, empowering them to align their finances with their life's purpose and dreams.

Day One

No Talk Rule

Creating Your True Purpose for Money

Mind Over Money

Conscious Investing for Peace of Mind

Matson Money’s Five Discoveries

Day Two

Abject Absurdity

Investor Prediction Syndrome

Experiencing the American Dream

Seven Investor Portfolio Declarations

Your Journey Towards Investing Peace of Mind

Hear what people are getting out of our flagship investor training and development event, The American Dream Experience – available to your employees at no charge.9

Invest Like a Scientist

An Academic Approach to Wealth Creation

Unlike standard retirement investing programs, we offer a clear investing philosophy based on Nobel Prize-winning academic principles.

Investing decisions should be viewed through the lens of science, not as a game of chance. With The American Dream 401(k), built on established economic principles and years of experience, we turn investing into a systematic lifelong journey to help create and protect your wealth.

Clarity and Diversification

Whereas complex and confusing investment menus “can lead participants to naively diversify their portfolios”10 the American Dream 401(k) is designed with globally diversified portfolios constructed in alignment with Nobel Prize-winning investing principles. This can help provide your participants with both clarity and diversification.

Our Academic Advisory Board

Our Academic Advisory Board

We are proud to have a prestigious academic board that includes Nobel Prize winner Harry Markowitz, Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipient Arthur B. Laffer, and internationally renowned neuroscientist David Eagleman – all dedicated to helping you adopt a scientific and disciplined approach towards investing.

Their invaluable contribution to the foundational principles of Matson Money helps to ensure that you are leveraging the best of academic insights for your wealth creation journey.

Yes! I Want More Information.

Connect me with a financial advisor to discuss
my company retirement program.

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Our Values


We are our word.

Entrepreneurial Spirit

Our unwavering commitment to innovation, creativity and service.

Education & Inquiry

The continuous pursuit of financial academic theory. Being the leader in the application of empirically tested Nobel Prize-winning investing principles.

Training & Development

Transforming investors to be prudent and disciplined throughout an entire lifetime.


We are a stand that a free market pricing system inspires competition, innovation and wealth creation.